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Most people would think a tiler had a pretty safe job; however, accidents can happen in any type of business. Each day brings new challenges and risks to your job. As a professional tiler, you and your business need protection from the risks that come with your trade. What would happen if you accidentally damaged a client’s bathroom cabinet? Or what would happen if someone tripped over tools left on the floor? The result, in many cases, is a compensation claim and legal fees. These can be extremely expensive.

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What Type of Insurance Coverage Do I Need for my Tiler Business? 

There are several different types of insurance coverage that may be a good fit for your business, including the following policies. 

1). Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance protects you and your company against claims made by third parties who are injured or whose property is damaged due to your business operations. 

It generally covers compensation claims and legal expenses associated with the claim. 

2). Employer’s Liability Insurance

Employer’s liability insurance protects you and your tiler business against claims made by employees who are injured, become ill, or die on the job. 

If you have one or more employees, then you’re legally required to have employer’s liability insurance. 

3). Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance protects your business if fault is found with a product you’ve provided to a client/customer. 

This type of insurance covers the cost of compensation, legal fees, and other costs resulting from the claim. 

4). Owned Plant Insurance

Owned plant insurance protects your plant and machinery, which are required for your profession. Your plant and machinery are protected against: 

  • Loss
  • Damage
  • Theft

5). Hired-In Plant Insurance

Hired-in plant insurance covers hired equipment, which is needed for your project(s). This type of insurance generally protects hired-in equipment against: 

  • Damage
  • Theft
  • Loss

6). Tools Insurance

Your tools are essential to your business, so it’s important to make sure they’re protected. What would happen if they were stolen? Would your company be able to replace them out of pocket? If not, then tools insurance will give you peace of mind when the unexpected happens. 

This type of coverage protects your tools against: 

  • Loss
  • Damage
  • Theft

7). Contract Works Insurance

Contract works insurance protects your works and materials from damage and more. Some policies may also cover additional labour costs to rebuild the work. 

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Tilers Insurance FAQs

Do I Need Employer’s Liability Insurance for One Employee?
Yes, this is the law. You are required to have employer’s liability insurance for one or more employees, with a minimum of £5 million.
What if I Have No Employees? Do I Still Need Employer’s Liability Insurance?
If you have no employees, then you may not be required to have employer’s liability insurance however if your subcontract, hire voluntary or casual labour you should consider employers liability insurance.
I’m Self-Employed, Do I Need Employer’s Liability Insurance?
If you’re self-employed and work on your own, then you do not require this type of insurance policy. The only time you may need this is if a client requires you have employer’s liability insurance to work on a project.
Do I Need Employer’s Liability Insurance for a Limited Company?
Yes, if you run a limited company and employ one or more, or if you have more than one director, then you’ll need employer’s liability insurance. If you only employ close family members, and your company is incorporated, then you’ll also need employer’s liability insurance in this scenario.
Do I Need Insurance for Temporary Workers?
In most cases, if you have short-term staff, contractors, or casual workers, then you will more than likely be required to have employer’s liability insurance.
Do I Need Employer’s Insurance for Subcontractors?
The answer depends. If you’re hiring “labour-only” subcontractors who work under your management and use your materials/tools, then they are legally seen as employees. They will need to be covered by employer’s liability insurance. However, those subcontractors who are “bona fide” work under their own direction and use their own materials/goods will not need to be covered by employee’s liability insurance.
Do I Need Employer’s Liability Insurance for Volunteers?
While it’s not legally required, it can be a good idea to invest in employer’s liability insurance. The reason is that you want to protect the business in case a volunteer makes a compensation claim against you. However, if you already have employer’s liability insurance, then volunteers may be covered under the policy. If you’re not sure, then it’s a good idea to check with your insurance provider.
Do I Need Employer’s Liability Insurance for Students on Work Experience?
Yes, employer’s liability insurance is required to cover work experience students and anyone on a work placement.

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Our support does not end with the purchase of your cover. We are here to support you when you need us.

If you have questions or would like to update, or renew your policy, all you have to do is contact us. We will also help if you need to make a claim.

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